Get your head massage just like hand finger tips. Within seconds of using this scalp massager, feel your stress melt away. Be prepared for a euphoric tingling and deep relaxation you'll feel all the way in your toes. This scalp massager can quickly, and effectively relax stressed muscles and may even relieve aches and pains, especially headaches and migraines. It also provides proper blood circulation. Ideal massage choice by your own. Quick relieve the symptoms of headache or dizziness, it is doesnt have side effects compared to any drug treatment. By gently raising and lowering the scalp & head massager tingler you can increase blood flow and circulation to the desired area allowing your body to sooth itself naturally. This scalp massager is incredibly lightweight and small enough to take with you anywhere. The 2mm durable metal wires can easily be reshaped to fit any head size., a Online Shopping Lifestyle e-commerce Portal, which retails various Daily use Home & kitchen Essentials,Bags, Electronics, Headphones, Gadgets, Mobile accesories, Medical Health devices, Toys, fashionable apparels and lifestyle products